Retain, expand, attract
Our mission is to champion economic growth while enhancing the quality of life in Otsego County and the surrounding region for its citizens.

About OCEA
Otsego County Economic Alliances (OCEA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that was founded in 2001. OCEA operates with a full-time staff of three; an Executive Director, Executive Assistant and Program Manager.
OCEA’s oversight consists of a volunteer Board of 21 leaders from throughout Otsego County. OCEA’s focus is on retaining, expanding, and attracting business throughout Otsego County.
Successfully Brought to Otsego County


- Thu, Feb 20Grayling
- Thu, Feb 27West Branch
- Thu, Mar 06Roscommon
- Wed, Mar 12Lewiston
- Thu, Jul 17Michaywe Pines Golf Course
- Thu, Feb 13Gaylord

Why Otsego County?
New Jobs
Created in 2024 through large private investment from global companies such as Amazon, Menards, Ford Motor Company, and Lake State Railway.
in private investment Gaylord has seen since 2023
Dollar Grant
to provide entrepreneurial support to small businesses in Otsego, Crawford, Ogemaw, Montmorency, Roscommon and Oscoda counties of which $426,316 will go out in small grants to small businesses throughout those counties in 2025.
Commute to Gaylord on a daily basis to work here.
traverse I-75 through Otsego County on a daily basis
Population Increase
Gaylords population has continued to grow 2% every year since the 2020 census.